1. Information Resources for Pacific Island Agroforestry
  2. Multipurpose Trees for Agroforestry in the Pacific Islands
  3. Nontimber Forest Products for Pacific Islands: An Introductory Guide for Producers
  4. Integrating Understory Crops with Tree Crops
  5. Introduction to Integrating Trees into Pacific Island Farm Systems
  6. Choosing Timber Species for Pacific Island Agroforestry
  7. Economics of Farm Forestry: Financial Evaluation for Landowners
  8. Multipurpose Windbreaks: Design and Species for Pacific Islands

Editors: C.R. Elevitch and K.M. Wilkinson, 2000.
Publisher: Permanent Agriculture Resources, Holualoa, Hawaii Series of 22-50 page guides covering eight topics in Pacific Island agroforestry. Published with support from the US Department of Agriculture's Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) Program.