Agroforestry Guides
Agroforestry Guides for Pacific Islands
An essential user-friendly resource for conserving and expanding the use of trees
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1. Information Resources for Pacific Island Agroforestry
rovides an introduction to agroforestry, followed by descriptions and contact information for books, guides, periodicals, organizations, and web sites useful to practitioners of agroforestry in Pacific Islands.
(22-page PDF)
2. Multipurpose Trees for Agroforestry in the Pacific Islands
Introduces traditional Pacific Island agroforestry systems and species. Provides a species table with over 130 multipurpose trees used in Pacific Island agroforestry, detailing information on uses (food, fodder, timber, etc.) and tree characteristics such as height, growth rates, and habitat requirements.
(48-page PDF)
3. Nontimber Forest Products for Pacific Islands: An Introductory Guide for Producers
Discusses the environmental, economic, and cultural role of nontimber forest products. Provides planning suggestions for those starting a nontimber product enterprise. Includes a species table of over seventy traditional Pacific Island nontimber forest products.
(30-page PDF)
4. Integrating Understory Crops with Tree Crops: An Introductory Guide for Pacific Islands
Introduces planning considerations for planting crops with forestry, orchard, or other tree-based systems. Examples of understory intercropping systems in the tropics are included, as well as a species list of over 75 trees, shrubs, and vines used as understory crops in the region.
(22-page PDF)
5. Introduction to Integrating Trees into Pacific Island Farm Systems
Presents eight Pacific Island agroforestry practices that integrate trees into farm systems. Includes silvopasture (trees and livestock), windbreaks, contour hedgerows, live fences, improved fallow, woodlots, sequential cropping systems, and understory cropping.
(29-page PDF)
6. Choosing Timber Species for Pacific Island Agroforestry
Discusses seven steps for choosing timber species that meet the project goals, product requirements, and environmental conditions for a farm forestry or agroforestry project. Includes a species table of over 50 Pacific Island agroforestry species that provide quality wood products, detailing environmental tolerances and multiple uses.
(25-page PDF)
7. Economics of Farm Forestry: Financial Evaluation for Landowners
Introduces strategies for determining the financial returns of small-scale forestry and farm forestry projects. Includes a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of investing in farm forestry, and the steps in determining the costs involved, estimating returns, and comparing farm forestry with other land uses.
(31-page PDF)
8. Multipurpose Windbreaks: Design and Species for Pacific Islands
Covers information on windbreak design, followed by a discussion of planning considerations for multiple-use windbreaks for timber, fruit/nut production, mulch/fodder, or wildlife habitat. Includes species table of over 90 windbreak species for Pacific Islands, detailing environmental requirements and uses/products.
(31-page PDF)
The Agroforestry Guides are distributed by Agroforestry Net, Inc. with support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE) Program.
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