Internship in Agroforestry Holistic Regeneration

Internship in Agroforestry Holistic Regeneration, Holualoa, North Kona, Hawai'i Island

(All spaces are filled in this program through 2026)


Agroforestry Net and Happy Mandala Education are pleased to announce a transformative learning opportunity in agroforestry holistic regeneration. This is an interesting time in humanity’s relationship to the natural world and each of our relationships to our communities and even ourselves. This training program focuses on agroforestry as a means to regenerate our agricultural systems and mindful practice as way to regenerate our own inner creativity and well-being. Themes we address include food and nutrition security, climate adaptation, ecosystem resilience, strengthening biodiversity, regenerating ecosystems, food-as-medicine, natural cycles, traditional holistic health, and multimedia art.  

This 8-week intensive internship program provides a full-time curriculum based upon experiential learning on an agroforestry farm in Kona, Island of Hawaii. Our students participate in our agroforestry projects and infrastructure development at a level appropriate to their experience and abilities together with study in topics related to agroforestry holistic regeneration.  Additionally, students are encouraged to participate in mindful practice during day-to-day activities. Completion of this program will transform students’ abilities in agroforestry and their relationship to the natural world and themselves. 

Interns interact daily with program leaders Craig Elevitch, Director of Agroforestry Net ( and Jamyang Dolma, Director of Happy Mandala Education ( Scholarships and/or accommodation may be available for qualified applicants. Successful graduates of this internship program may apply for extended paid positions with us. 

All spaces are filled in this program through 2026

We’re seeking students who are passionate about serving other people and the natural world. Highest priority candidates are on a demonstrated path to a teaching, extension, or other service roll in life. Ecological design, wilderness awareness, rite of passage, on-farm, and indigenous experience are all pluses. On-the-ground experience in community service roles—especially in collaboration with indigenous communities—weighs heavily in our decision to accept students into our program. 

Field activities are at the core of the learning experience. These include agroforestry establishment, maintenance, propagation, and harvesting, as well as infrastructure development. Also at the core of the learning experience is mindful practice, which is woven into all activities in our program. We are looking for interns who both work well autonomously and thrive as a team member. Skills in writing, communication, videography, social media, and computer are highly valued, as are field skills in farming and gardening, construction, and research. Knowledge of tropical plants, animals, and soils is desirable prior to applying. 

Study complements the field work and is an integral part of the internship. During the first week of the internship, we will collaboratively develop a study plan appropriate to each intern’s experience and abilities. Many of our past interns produced an extension-level educational product of lasting value (e.g., a how-to guide, research data, workshop curriculum, visual documentation, etc.) that will benefit growers and communities in Hawai'i. The most successful interns dedicate most of their free time to their study.

One of the goals is to practice the art of living, to restore ancient wisdom in our modern daily life. Linking education and life, we focus on the basic elements: clothing, food, housing and traveling; and five senses: to see, to hear, to smell, to taste and to feel. We produce and curate goods enriched with culture. Curating products encourage us to think, educate us to recognize the fundamental connections between human and everything else around us, through experiencing art of living and appreciating art and comprehend wisdom of the world, one shall purify his senses and build harmonious relationships with oneself, with family and community then to the Mother Earth and the universe.

This experience includes a minimum of 30 hours/week of fieldwork on our site plus many hours per week of work in independent study. The program includes daily interactions with our teachers and a customized learning curriculum in agroforestry holistic regeneration. Interns must be willing to dedicate themselves entirely to the internship experience during the 8-week period. Command of spoken and written English is required. Interns must have their own cell phone, laptop computer, and health insurance, and agree to be tobacco-, alcohol-, and drug-free during the entire internship period. Interns are responsible for their transportation to/from Kona and are required to show us documented legal residency status in the U.S.

Regenerative agroforest at our farm with diverse fruit, nut, and cultural plants.


Interns interact daily with Craig Elevitch, Director of Agroforestry Net and Jamyang Dolma, Director of Happy Mandala Education. 

IMG 7452photo full CElevitch 2Craig Elevitch, PhD has worked in agroforestry since 1991 ( Craig’s internationally recognized publications and workshops have guided thousands in becoming more proficient in regenerative agroforestry and reforestation. He has 14 books to his credit including Agroforestry Guides for Pacific Islands (2000), Traditional Trees of Pacific Islands: Their culture, environment, and use (2006), Specialty Crops for Pacific Islands (2011), Agroforestry Landscapes for Pacific Islands: Creating abundant and resilient food systems (2015), and Agroforestry Design for Regenerative Production (2023, in press). His agroforestry publications have been downloaded millions of times. He has authored dozens of agroforestry, Forest Stewardship, and native forest dedication plans throughout Oceania and the tropics. In addition to working directly with growers, consultants, and educators, he has facilitated over 200 agroforestry workshops in the Pacific, with over 8,000 producers and resource professionals participating since 1993. Craig is the co-lead developer for the Agroforestry Design Tool (, an online assistant for planning regenerative agroforestry systems. He was honored with the Global Aloha 'Aina 'Ohana award in 2016 and the Shining Stars of Oceania award in 2019. 


Jamyang DolmaJamyang Dolma has dedicated her life to preserving traditional culture and questioning the nature of a good education. Her experience working in more than 20 countries, in fields as diverse as public communication, management consulting, and marketing for international business and government institutions, has taught her that preserving traditional culture and art is key for the success of the next generation. Since 2001 she has been studying with Buddhist masters from the Tibetan Region and Bhutan. Jamyang Dolma is President of Academy of Himalayan Art and Children Development and a regenerative life coach. Beginning in 2000 Dolma has studied the relationship between food and diseases. She studied Traditional Chinese medicine and western modern nutrition, which led her to an understanding of a holistic relationship with food. In 2012 Dolma began to synchronize her knowledge and experience into food and child development as part of an Art of Living curriculum. She is dedicated to the well-being of communities and preservation and regeneration of the culture and nature. Dolma works with an international team in developing regenerative food forests and well-being educational curricula based on traditional wisdom and natural and cultural diversity in Hawaii, Bhutan, and China. Dolma’s unique life experience, along with her passion and compassion, led her to found Academy of Himalayan Art and Child Development ( with people who have similar philanthropic desires and appreciation of ancient philosophy and arts. 

 (All spaces are filled in this program through 2026)

For additional information about applying, write us at

How to apply

To apply, please complete our application (Word file). If you have any questions, send an e-mail to Brief, specific questions are most likely to be answered quickly. 


Download the application (Word file)

Recent interns 


Olga Romanova"Working with Craig provided me invaluable opportunity to gain practical experience in tropical agroforestry and widen my perspectives on cultural aspect of growing food in regenerative manner. Participating in design, development, and establishment of the tropical food forest with Craig’s thoughtful guidance and advice complimented my graduate studies and enriched it with practical experience. While working on my internship project on “The unique taste of tropical agroforestry in Hawaii” helped to expand my knowledge of tropical perennial plants, and hopefully it would help promote growing and consuming locally available, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food among local farmers and visiting tourists."

 Read Olga's presentation, "The unique taste of tropical agroforestry in Hawaii"



Garien Behling, 2014 Intern of the year"I felt that Craig's content expertise, writing experience, and editing commentary really helped me hone in on some key ideas that guided me to create a good product and will improve my writing abilities for the future. The educational experience I gained through actually working with and researching agroforestry systems cannot be monetized. It was a priceless experience."




"Craig provided a window into a small corner of the world where I observed the cooperation of many living things thriving without a lot of human intervention. I came away from the experience validating some instincts while also acquiring new agroforestry skills."

Read Donna's: "Hey, Who Are You Calling a Weed?: Conversations with the Most Poisonous Plant in the World"


"The immersive experience working in tropical agroforestry helped me rapidly grow my skills set, and build up my strength. I appreciate how Craig values the cultural heritage in Hawaii, and also requires a research project that is of educational benefit here. Living in a context that was environmentally conscientious and sustainable was invaluable."

Read Lauren's study project created during her internship:
"Illustrated Homegardens for living light in the Tropics"


"When I arrived I expected to learn and practice skills in agroforestry, particularly those with roots in Polynesian traditions. What I got was this and much more, a deepening of my connections to nature, community and myself. Even more awesome, I have a renewed and strengthened commitment to be of service to my community."

Watch Kaleo's:
"Discovering 'Ulu with Hua o Ke Ao students", filmed and edited during his internship
for the Ho'oulu ka 'Ulu—Revitalizing Breadfruit project.


"The guidance was invaluable. Craig’s advice was (and remains) incredibly important to my total experience. I valued his open communication and professional approach to problem solving and advice giving. In the spirit of 'See one, do one, teach one', I thrive when shown tasks and then am able to work through them on my own. Thus, I thought that the internship had a perfect balance of guided and independent work—the best of both worlds!"

Watch Niki's video produced during her internship.:
"Introduction to tropical homegardens"


For additional information about applying, feel free to email us at



Agroforestry Design for Regenerative Production

There is growing interest in modern agroforestry systems as a response to climate change and for other benefits such as food security, farm diversification, increased income, risk management, and soil and water conservation. The value of agroforestry systems in addressing these priorities has been established by several decades of research worldwide. Producers are now increasingly asking how to begin the process of establishing agroforestry systems. This project addresses that question by providing training in the agroforestry design process. 

Re-establishing productive agroforests that also can repair soil damage and be profitable for growers requires careful planning. This project includes training in design of agroforests that regenerate productivity, while building soil and serving other essential ecological functions.  

This project is supported in part by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2015-38640-23779 through the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number EW16-008. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Agroforestry Net is a primary project collaborator.

Agroforestry Design Manual

edited by Craig R. Elevitch

with Neil Logan, Sopha J. Bowart, and J. B. Friday

Agroforestry Design Guide front cover This project is producing a unique manual to guide growers in designing a multistory agroforestry system tailored to their goals and environment. Agroforestry Design for Regenerative Production is geared toward profitable agroforestry that creates regenerative outcomes: building soil, retaining and percolating water, enhancing biodiversity, strengthening resiliency, and storing carbon. Species lists, examples, and design worksheets allow the user to use the book as a design workbook for their project. The book guides the user through six major steps of the design process:

Additionally, Agroforestry Design for Regenerative Production gives the reader the background information needed to optimize their agroforestry design in two additonal chapters:

Agroforestry Design Workshops 2019

Designing and growing an agroforest: Creating regenerative and profitable landscapes

Guam: Nov. 12–13 Information and registration
Saipan: Nov. 15–16 Email for information
Pohnpei: Nov. 21–22 Email for information
Marshall Islands: Nov. 26–27 Email for information
Oahu, Hawaii: Dec. 11–12 Information and registration
Kauai, Hawaii: Dec. 14–15 Information and registration

Design workbook cover v1 200pxWorkshop participants will learn about planning, establishing, and managing an agroforest step-by-step using a new workbook.

Workshop participants will learn the latest strategies for reaching their goals in agroforestry. Hands-on activities during the workshop will give participants experience in the planning process from open land to managing an agroforest at any scale. 

Participants will:

  • Gain experience planning an agroforest from scratch
  • Learn how to customize an agroforest to the site and production/conservation goals
  • Discover and apply fundamental design principles
  • Develop a project budget and management plan 
  • Learn about resources and tools for successful outcomes
  • Gain field experience
  • Receive an agroforestry planning workbook

The workshop series will be presented November-December 2019 in Guam, Saipan, Pohnpei, Marshall Islands, and Hawaii by a team of experienced professionals. Presenters will share their unique set of skills and knowledge in traditional agroforestry, ethnobotany, systems engineering, organic agriculture, and economic analysis acquired over decades of study and field experience. 

Workshop presenters

Craig Elevitch, Neil Logan Agroforestry design process Parts 1–3 All workshops
Aunty Shirley Kauhaihao Agroforestry cooking demo Guam, Saipan, Pohnpei, Marshalls
Sophia Bowart Financial analysis Oaho and Kauai
Paul Massey The Kauai Food Forest community agroforestry experiment Kauai
Ted Radovich Organic techniques for agroforestry Oahu
Timothy Reis Hawaiian indigenous land management philosophy and practice Kauai
Marilyn Salas and Ansito Walter Culture and agroforestry in Guam Guam
Rev. M. Kalani Souza Our relationship to agroforestry Guam, Saipan, Oahu (via video)
Solly Takai and Arnold Route Agroforestry in CNMI Saipan
Nat Tuivavalagi Agroforestry for Soil Restoration Pohnpei

Workshop sponsors

The "Designing and growing an agroforest: Creating regenerative and profitable landscapes" workshops are presented by Permanent Agriculture Resources with support from Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program, Agroforestry Net, FARM Center, Hawaii Homegrown Food Network, Olohana Foundation, and the Global Biodiversity Heritage Council. Generous support from local partners is gratefully acknowledged: University of Guam Western Pacific Tropical Research Center; The Pacific Farmers Together Cooperative; Pacific Islands SBDC Network; Northern Marianas College Cooperative Research, Extension, and Education Services; College of Micronesia-FSM/CTEC; RMI Ministry of Natural Resources & Commerce; College of the Marshall Islands; Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program at UH CTAHR; Regenerations Botanical Garden; and the Kauaʻi Food Forest. 

All workshop logos for web site v1

Contact information

Workshop Coordinator
Agroforestry Net
PO Box 428
Holualoa, Hawaii 96725 USA

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This project is supported in part by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 2015-38640-23779 through the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program under subaward number EW16-008. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Agroforestry Net and Hawai‘i Homegrown Food Network are primary project collaborators.

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Maui workshop Creative Agroforestry June 12-13, 2015

Maui workshop June 12-13, 2015

Creative-Agroforestry-Workshop-logo-360px"Creative agroforestry for food production in home, farm, and community landscapes"

The art of agroforestry is experiencing a renaissance in Hawai‘i due to our newfound passion for eating local food that is grown sustainably. Drawing upon the long traditions of agroforestry in the Pacific, a new workshop, “Creative Agroforestry for Food Production in Home, Farm, and Community Landscapes” will be presented on Maui June 12-13 (also Kona June 20-21 and O’ahu June 27-28). The workshop brings together agroforestry expertise from around Hawai‘i to offer participants an introduction to best practices in agroforestry or enhance their skills in establishing and maintaining a custom-designed agroforestry landscape. 

 MG 2630CElevitch

Dr. Harley Manner, a pioneer of agroforestry science in the Pacific Islands, will summarize his 40 years of experience of sustainable agricultural systems in the Pacific. Craig Elevitch of Agroforestry Net will present Pacific Island agroforestry landscapes as models for abundant, low-input food systems. Seth Raabe of Mahele Farm will discuss his experiences utilizing disturbance and local resources in tropical agroforestry. Natural methods for establishing and maintaining food-producing agroforestry landscapes will be presented by Tom Baldwin. How risks of pests and diseases can be reduced in diverse agricultural systems will be presented by Dr. Hector Valenzuela of UH Manoa. Dr. Amjad Ahmad, also from UH Manoa, will present recent research about how locally available materials can enhance soil function, thereby replacing imported soil inputs. Finally, Ranae Ganske-Cerizo of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service will explain federal assistance programs that can be used in association with planning and implementing agroforestry systems. 

Field tours on the second day of the workshop will highlight production agroforestry on a working farm, pioneering and succession strategies, a diverse fruit orchard, and agroforestry regeneration of degraded land. The workshop is recommended for landscapers, nursery growers, agricultural professionals, farmers, ranchers, homeowners, agricultural extension, community planners, and community development organizers. The workshop is sponsored by Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education and organized by Sustainable Living Institute of Maui in collaboration with Hawaii Homegrown Food Network. 

Recommended participants: Everyone interested in sustainable food-producing landscapes: Farmers, ranchers, and homeowners, landscapers, agricultural professionals, agricultural extension, community planners, and everyone working with agriculture, urban beautification, conservation, and human nutrition.

Agroforestry-Landscapes-cover-200pxRegistration: Early registration is $75 by Saturday, June 6, and $100 thereafter. Please register early, as space is limited.

A local vegetarian lunch will be provided on Friday, June 12. Participants will receive a copy of the new 320-page book Agroforestry Landscapes for Pacific Islands: Creating abundant and resilient food systems by Craig Elevitch (a $60 value).

Register for the workshop through EventBrite

REGISTER for the MAUI workshop 

MAUI workshop agenda (subject to adjustments)

Friday 6/12/2015 Maui Community College  
9:00 (sharp)-9:15 Michael Howden, PermacultureMaui Opening pule and welcome
9:15-9:45 TBA Cultural roots of Hawaiian agroforestry
9:45-10:15 Harley Manner, University of Guam (retired) Sustainable agricultural systems in the Pacific Islands
10:15-10:45 Craig Elevitch, Agroforestry Net Reconnecting to Pacific Island agroforestry landscapes
10:45-11:00 --- Break
11-11:30 Hector Valenzuela, UH CTAHR Pest and disease prevention in agroforestry
11:30-12:00 Tom Baldwin, Uluwehi Farm Bountiful agroforestry landscapes using natural methods
12:00-1:00 --- Lunch by Carrie
1:00-1:30 Amjad Ahmad, UH CTAHR Local sources of soil fertility
1:30-2:00 Seth Raabe, manager, Mahele Farm Utilizing disturbance and local resources in tropical agroforestry
2:00-2:30 Craig Elevitch, Agroforestry Net Modern agroforestry practices for increased yields and lower risks
2:30-3:00 Ranae Ganske-Cerizo, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Agroforestry Assistance through USDA NRCS
3:00-3:10 Jenny Pell, Maui Permaculture Guild Permaculture visions
3:10-4:15 All Breakout Session with all presenters
4:15-4:30 Melanie Stephens Preparation for tomorrow’s field tours
Saturday 6/13/2015 Field tours Bring sun/rain gear, brown bag lunch, snacks, drinking water, mosquito repellent
9:00 (sharp) Jayanti Nand Eat Me Orchard, Wailuku
10:00-10:45 --- Travel between Wailuku and Kula
11:00-12:00 Gerry Ross Kupa'a Farms, Kula
12-12:30 --- Lunch/Travel to Makawao
12:30-1:30 Tom Baldwin Ulua Palms, Makawao
1:30-1:45 --- Travel to Haiku
1:45-3:00 Francis Spalluto Haiku 'Aina Permaculture Initiative, Haiku


The workshops are presented by Hawai‘i Homegrown Food Network and Agroforestry Net with sponsorship of the USDA Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program in collaboration with Sustainable Living Institute of Maui and Maui Community College. 

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Creative Agroforestry Workshop Kilauea, Kauai, April 2015


The 2-day "Creative Agroforestry for Home, Farm, and Community Landscapes" workshop was held at Anaina Hou Community Park on April 25-26, 2015. Fifty-five participants attended the lively workshop, which consisted of a series of presentations by eight presenters, followed by a day of field tours of agroforestry sites in the Kilauea area. Participants included landscapers, agricultural professionals, agricultural extension, community planners, farmers, ranchers, and homeowners.

The workshop began by honoring the wisdom and traditions of native Hawaiians, as expressed through agroforestry practices and ecological stewardship. The Hawaiian experience was placed within the larger context of Pacific islander agroforestry, each culture with its distinctive mix of species, yet repeating a consistent theme. Principles of integrated pest management and its application in agroforestry systems was explored. The University of Hawai’i’s ongoing research into cost-effective organic soil amendments with recommendations on their use was also covered. A primer was offered on proper planting, establishment, and pruning of fruit trees. Livestock can be a valuable addition to agroforestry systems, and some of the most popular choices for Hawai'i were presented. How we plan for, implement, and perpetuate agroforestry landscapes in private and public spaces is essential to their success, and example stories and suggestions were given. Discussion circles, led by the workshop presenters, allowed participants to explore their area of interest further. Visits to three contrasting field sites revealed the challenges and opportunities inherent to working agroforestry systems.

Continue Reading

Food-producing agroforestry landscapes for Hawaii

publication about food-producing landscapes: AGROFORESTRY LANDSCAPES FOR PACIFIC ISLANDS

Agroforestry-Landscapes-cover-200pxThis publication focuses on low-input, self-sufficient, and sustainable techniques for growing food in the Pacific. The chapters cover a range of time-tested traditional agroforestry systems, modern agroforestry systems, local sources of soil fertility, pest and disease control, livestock, and getting started with planning and implementation. 

Download the chapters below or purchase the book Agroforestry Landscapes for Pacific Islands at

Sustainable-Pacific-Systems-cover-160pxSustainable Traditional Agricultural Systems of the Pacific Islands by Harley I. Manner. Covers key patterns in traditional Pacific agroforestry systems and presents example agroforestry systems that could be adapted in modern day. Locally Available Resources Radovich-cover-160pxEnhancing Soil Function and Plant Health with Locally Available Resources by Ted Radovich, Archana Pant, Amjad Ahmad, Craig Elevitch, and Nguyen Hue. Focuses on the use of locally available resources to enhance soil function and plant health in the short and long term. The emphasis is on a description of the inputs, pros and cons of use, specific conditions in Hawai‘i and recommendations for food producers.
Sustainable Pest and Disease Control-cover-160pxPest and Disease Control Strategies for Sustainable Pacific Agroecosystems by Hector Valenzuela. Covers recommended production practices that may be used in agroforestry systems of the Pacific and tropical regions to create resilient production systems and enhance and protect the natural resources on the farm. Livestock in Agroforestry Fukumoto-cover-160pxSmall-scale Livestock Production in Agroforestry Landscapes by Glen Fukumoto. Covers integration of livestock into Pacific Island environments, including local fodder and sustainable waste management. 
Growers Guide Pacific Agroforestry Elevitch-cover-160pxGrower’s Guide to Pacific Island Agroforestry Systems: Information Resources, and Public Assistance Programs by Craig Elevitch, Garien Behling, Michael Constantinides, and James B. Friday. Describes ten of the most important agroforestry systems of the Pacific Islands and associated practices supported by technical and financial assistance programs through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and other state and federal programs. Includes a resources section (technical guides, periodicals, organizations, and species information). Getting Started Agroforestry Elevitch-cover-160pxGetting Started with Food-producing Agroforestry Landscapes in the Pacific by Craig Elevitch. Introduces Pacific agroforestry systems in general, and presents the benefits of these systems compared with monocultures and ornamental landscapes. Covers water issues, soil fertility, selecting an agroforestry system, establishment, maintenance, species selection, crops and example systems, and recommended resources. 

Food-producing-cover"Benefits of perennial edible landscapes: A primer for agricultural professionals" How can we address common obstacles to home grown food? What are the benefits of food-producing perennial landscapes? How can people grow food in their home landscapes without increasing their costs? This primer addresses these questions and offers guidance for promoting food-producing landscapes.

Policy-Brief-cover"Food-producing agroforestry landscapes for Pacific Islands: A policy brief" summarizes the main conclusions of this project for policy makers.


There is a growing movement towards the use of perennial food plants in private and public landscapes. This project took place 2011-2015, bringing together expertise from throughout Hawai'i to train professionals in food-producing agroforestry landscapes.

The project resulted in a book that is available for free download (see below). Also, five workshops took place throughout Hawai'i during the first half of 2015 and many of the presentations and some photos are available for download


This project is a collaboration of Agroforestry Net and Hawai‘i Homegrown Food Network with sponsorship of the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program.

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Creative agroforestry for food production in home, farm, and community landscapes


Agroforestry landscapes are models of productive, low input systems that have sustained people for centuries in Hawai'i. Farmers, homeowners, and communities are rediscovering the many benefits of agroforestry. This workshop gave participants an introduction to best practices in establishing and maintaining a working agroforestry landscape tailored to their needs. Presentations combined traditional, modern, and local knowledge to enable participants to get started on their own systems, avoiding pitfalls. The workshops took place in 2015 on Moloka'i (March 21), Kaua'i (April 25-26), Maui (June 12-13), Kona (June 20-21), and O’ahu (June 27-28). Over 240 attendees and 30 presenters participated in the five workshops. A selection of workshop photos and presentations is below.

Topics included:

  • Important Pacific island crops and agroforestry practices
  • Enhancing soil function using locally available resources
  • Pest and disease prevention strategies
  • Food forestry for home and commercial use
  • Advice and techniques for landscapers
  • Hawaiian cultural perspective on Pacific Island agroforestry 
  • Strategies for converting to agroforestry systems
  • USDA NRCS assistance programs that support agroforestry practices
  • Integrating livestock and poultry
  • Local experiences in agroforestry system implementation

Workshop presentations

Amjad Ahmad, UH CTAHR Local sources of soil fertility Molokai, Kauai, Maui, Kona
Tom Baldwin, Uluwehi Farm Bountiful agroforestry landscapes using natural methods Maui, Kona
Colleen Carroll and Talia Abrams Encouraging more food-producing landscapes Kauai
Bino Castelo, Botanical Manager, Kaua‘i Mini Golf Cultural dimensions of Pacific Island agroforests Kauai
Michael Constantinides, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Agroforestry Assistance through NRCS Oahu
Craig Elevitch, Agroforestry Net Reconnecting to Pacific Island agroforestry landscapes Molokai, Kauai, Maui, Kona, Oahu
Craig Elevitch, Agroforestry Net Modern agroforestry practices for increased yields and lower risks Molokai, Kauai, Maui, Kona, Oahu
Glen Fukumoto, UH CTAHR Small-scale Livestock Production in Agroforestry Landscapes Oahu
Ranae Ganske-Cerizo, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Agroforestry Assistance through USDA NRCS Maui
Uncle Sol Kahoʻohalahala Cultural roots of Hawaiian agriculture Maui
Natalie Kurashima, Department of Botany, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Traditional Hawaiian agriculture systems of Kona  Kona
Neil Logan, FARM Center From pasture to perennial food forest Kona
Matt Lynch, Asia-Pacific Center for Regenerative Design Restoring and Regenerating Agricultural Ecosystems Oahu
Harley Manner, University of Guam (retired) Sustainable agricultural systems in the Pacific Islands Maui
Sara Moore, Livestock specialist with Farmworks Hawaii Integrating livestock with tree crops Kona
Laura Nelson, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Agroforestry Assistance through USDA NRCS Kona
Seth Raabe, manager, Mahele Farm Utilizing disturbance and local resources in tropical agroforestry Maui
Ted Radovich, UH CTAHR Local sources of soil fertility Oahu
Milan Rupert, Nursery Manager Kaua‘i Nursery & Landscaping Installation and maintenance of food landscapes Kauai
Matt Stevenson, USDA NRCS Small-scale Livestock Production in Agroforestry Landscapes Kauai
Hector Valenzuela, UH CTAHR Pest and disease prevention in agroforestry Kauai, Maui, Kona, Oahu

Workshop sponsors

The "Creative agroforestry for food production in home, farm, and community landscapes" workshops were presented as a collaboration of Agroforestry Net and Hawai‘i Homegrown Food Network with sponsorship of the USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program in collaboration with local partners.

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Contact information

Craig Elevitch
Agroforestry Net
PO Box 428
Holualoa, Hawaii 96725 USA